FISH HOUSE OYSTER BAR is a 3-minute walk from the West Exit of JR Ebisu Station.
There is also an East Exit branch, a 5-minute walk from the East Exit of Ebisu Station.
Both oyster bars have a casual atmosphere that can be easily enjoyed.
FISH HOUSE OYSTER BAR is a 3-minute walk from the West Exit of JR Ebisu Station. There is also an East Exit branch, a 5-minute walk from the East Exit of Ebisu Station.
Both oyster bars have a casual atmosphere that can be easily enjoyed.
FISH HOUSE OYSTER BAR is a 3-minute walk from the West Exit of JR Ebisu Station. There is also an East Exit branch, a 5-minute walk from the East Exit of Ebisu Station.
Both oyster bars have a casual atmosphere that can be easily enjoyed.
MapAll | 17:30〜22:30(L.O) |
mon. - fri. | 17:30〜22:30(L.O) |
sat. & sun. | 15:00〜22:30(L.O) |